Time to switch upp

About Us

We waited for change to happen,

The oceans rose, the trees fell to the ground.

We waited for change to happen,

The ice turned to water, forests turned to fire.

We waited for change to happen,

More plastics created, more wildlife cremated.

We waited for change to happen,

until we couldn't anymore.

We took it to our hands, to make an impact,

To use our voices, we created a pact.

Till we live we will try,

To create a better planet for all alive.

We are a group of individuals determined to change the current state of our planet.

Maybe one step at a time, but we will not stop moving until everyone changes their ways. SwitchUpp, our company, was born out of this need. HandMeDown is our first venture.

HandMeDown was created to unburden the planet of textile waste and to help people use its resources cleverly.

At HandMeDown, we take your used clothes and give them a new life and a new home. Join us in this movement to save our only home!

Be The Change